What gets you washing your hair?

What gets you washing your hair?


A lot of people love to bathe. For them it’s routine – they start their day with a shower. Showering give people than fresh new day feels that gets them motivated.

A lot of people abstain from washing their hair due to health reasons. But, here are some reasons why you should:

  1. The oils

Some oils add beauty; some don’t. A lot of people consider their hair dirty because of oil. It makes the hair all clumpy and sometimes stiff.

The amount of oil your hair produces has something to with genetics, age, sex and the environment. Guess what, oil is produced more at your age of prime. At around 20’s to 30’s, expect your hair to produce more sebum than of the former years and after. It doesn’t sound convenient to how you want to look does it?

However, the good news is the sebum that’s produced by your hair is actually good for your skin. It has vitamin E that protects skin from aging and cancer.

  1. The sweat

Sweat is known to be the cause why a person looks “haggard”. This is why a lot of people often rush to the shower after a heavy workout. Sweat spreads the sebum giving your hair a different shine, and it’s not the shine you’re looking for. Naturally, your body would feel wonderfully healthy after a heavy workout, but not how you look. Although some people find it hot, do you?

  1. The dirt

Take a city with all the dust from the wind, the smoke from vehicles and the dirt. Add, your sweat under the heat of the sun, and you get a very bad hair day. This does not only affect your morale but also your ability to become more productive.

Dirt carry bacteria. When you don’t wash your hair asap, it may cause irritation to the skin. Having a longer hair makes it easy to catch more dirt. That’s why a lot of people just can’t wait to get home, turn on that playlist and get to the tub.

  1. The styles

If you’re job involves audience or national television exposure, then you must be one of the few who apply a lot of hair products every day. Whether it’s all natural for the shine or chemically induced to capture a certain style, you would want to get that out by the end of the day.

Experts advise to not sleep with hair products on. As much as possible, rinse it back before going to bed.

  1. The type

Your type of hair depends on your genes. Some have curly and thin; the others get the thin and straight.

Straight and thin hairs need to be washed frequently because the oil scatters fast. Having an oily hair makes it easier for dirt, dust and pollen to stick. Contrary to that, sebum brings out that beautiful shine for the thick curls. Curls hair need more moisture to stay soft and away from frizz.

Don’t you just want to wash your hair with a lot of shampoo now? No, don’t! If you think putting a lot of shampoo will make your hair more beautiful, think again. Everything has to be in moderation.

In our next blog, we’ll be talking about many times you should shampoo your hair. Here’s a clue, it’s not every day.